We are currently reviewing applications in your area, orders cannot be made yet.

Vendor Membership

  1. Registration
  2. Plans
  3. Confirmation
  4. Thank You


First Name

Last Name

Store Name*


Address 1*

Address 2





Store Phone*

THE FOLLOWING SECTION IS FOR SELLERS. If you are applying for a driver account, please put N/A. You will be disqualified if you do not follow the instructions.

Do you have your own driver?*

If no, do you need our driver services*

THE FOLLOWING SECTION IS FOR DRIVERS. If you are applying for a seller account, please put N/A. You will be disqualified if you do not follow the instructions.

Do you have your own transport*

What type of transport*

What is your working hours (please specify your start time everyday)

What is your working hours (please specify your knock off time everyday)

How much is your delivery fee (currency of country)*

Did you submit one application? (you will be disqualified if you submit both seller and driver application)*


Confirm Password*